Friday, May 08, 2015

Timpanogos Storytelling Conference & Festival

The Timpanogos Storytelling Conference has moved from early in the year to the same week as the Storytelling Festival. This change will allow attendees to participate in the Conference on Wednesday and Thursday and then enjoy the Festival on Friday and Saturday.  Conference attendees will have opportunity to learn about storytelling from Donald Davis, Eth-Noh-Tec, Bill Harley, Antonio Sacre, and many more.


September 2-5, 2015

Join storytellers Carol Birch, Kate Campbell, Donald Davis, Carmen Deedy, Eth-Noh-Tech, Bill Harley, Tim Lowry, Jim May, Daniel Morden, Clive Romney, Antonio Sacre, Shonaleigh, and Pippa White for an amazing weekend of stories, laughter, and music.
For 26 years, we have invited storytellers from around the nation and across the waters to join some of our homegrown talent and share stories under our own majestic Mount Timpanogos. Stories range from fairy tales and fables from various cultures to personal stories of growing up in the Appalachian Mountains. There are historical tellers, tall tale tellers, and youth tellers.

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