I was up to greet this lovely morning and enjoy this special sabbath day. The family has been gathered round and we have had a yummy Easter feast. Now it's time relax and focus on getting FamilySearch Indexing done.
My arm, that has been bothering me for the past three months, finally got painful and annoying enough for me to visit the doctor this past week. The pain was not just in the elbow but now going up into my shoulder. I had been doing "self inspired" therapy on my arm. Flexing, bending, stretching it. I figured if it hurt it was helping to work things out. Well after visiting the doctor I discovered that not only did I have tennis elbow but I had also managed to work myself right into a possible torn rotator cuff. This was not good news.
I received literature on what was safe to do for "home" therapy, boy was it way different than what I had come up with. I was also at the point I could hardly move my arm. After several days of resting the arm I am happy to report I am doing better. Now I just need to keep up the resting part. The doctor asked me "How realistic is it for you to not use the computer?" I reported that it was "Not Possible, it's my life!" So reduction in computer time is what I need right now.
I am going to do my FamilySearch Indexing but only one batch. If I am lucky enough that will be the New York State Census if it's still available. For now lets see what messages headquarters might of given us.
This message is off the FamilySearch Indexing website:
My Messages in the indexing application has one also.April 9, 2009: Indexing Application Available in Seven Languages
The FamilySearch indexing application is available in three new languages: Italian, Portuguese, and Russian. These languages are in addition to English, French, German, and Spanish.
The application start page in Russian:
We have current indexing projects in six of these seven languages. Watch for our first Portuguese project in the coming months.
From: HeadquartersWhen I was indexing from the New York State Census last week I noticed how easily it would be for someone to miss those extra pages if you didn't do a little investigating on the scroll bars. Now it's time to see if they still have any New York 1892 State Census batches available. WAHOO!! There is a batch for me.
Subject: Project Reminders
Date: 10 Apr 2009
We are so thankful for all of our indexers and arbitrators and the great work that you are able to accomplish by working together toward a common goal. Already this year, we have completed over 33 million names.
There are a few things to remember as you are indexing some specific projects:Thank you again for your tremendous service. Keep up the great work!
- New York 1892 State Census. Most images in this project have four columns of names. Please be sure to check the entire image and index all of the names before submitting the batch.
- UK-Cheshire-Land Tax. Index each column from top to bottom before moving to the next column. Also, do not repeat the name of a proprietor for each of the occupiers listed, unless the name was actually written out multiple times on the document.
- Belgium-Antwerp Foreigners Index. When indexing a Type 1 form, remember to turn off the highlights and index all of the names on the document. Most Type 1 forms have four columns of names. Most Type 2 forms only have two columns of names.
I've decided that while I index this week that I will listen to my CD "Jesus of Nazareth" a talk given by Truman G. Madsen. I finally got around to ripping my CDs to my computer so I can easily listen to them. There are 10 CDs in the series so I have plenty to listen to. I just seem to concentrate on every word in the stories Truman Madsen tells, they are so good. Well it's time to tell if they will be to distracting while I index.
It seems like no time at all and I completed the batch with 160 names indexed. I had to go over the names twice while I was indexing. As I worked further down the line I got used to the way the census taker wrote different letters. It explained why I couldn't make sense of some of them earlier. The first letter of some names would look like a big "O", after a while I realized they were B's, D's, P's, and R's. Needless to say I was very engrossed with the batch and my CD so the time just flew by.
Speaking of flying I need to get to bed. My grand total for indexing to date is 11510. Slowly but steadily I am making progress. It's taken me 79 weeks to get here and I have long since development this into a habit. Even though my arm aches at least I know I accomplished something.
See ya tomorrow, for tomorrow is always another genealogy day!
1 comment:
Boy, can I empathize with your pain. Take it easy, Renee, and listen to your doctor! You don't want to end up being banned from the computer in order for your tendon to heal.
BTW, my medical team recommended I take 2000 I.U. of Vitamin D a day. Recent research has shown that it is beneficial to shoulder healing. You might want to ask your doctor about it as well.
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