The next regular, second-Saturday-of-the-month meeting of the Utah Valley PAF (Personal Ancestral File) Users Group will be on Saturday, 11 Apr 2009 from 9 am until noon IN THE EDGEWOOD/RIVERSIDE LDS CHAPEL, 3511 North 180 East, Provo, Utah. The Group appreciates the Edgemont Stake for allowing us to meet in their new LDS chapel behind the Jamestown shopping plaza on the east side of University Avenue in the Provo "River Bottoms". You get to it by going east on 3700 North from University Avenue and then south on 180 East. There is a map showing the new and old locations on our website given below.
The main presentation for this meeting will be by Roger C. Flick on EXCITING FAMILY HISTORY FINDS IN THE BYU SPECIAL COLLECTIONS.
Roger was born and raised in East Los Angeles and went on a mission for the LDS Church to the West Central states. He graduated from BYU in Math and Education and then obtained a Master of Library and Information Science degree from there. He went to work at the BYU Library and had a major role in setting it up and doing much family history research. Roger is a popular presenter at national and local genealogy conferences and is a frequent speaker at BYU Education Weeks. He serves as a cataloger librarian and consultant for Computer Assisted Research Projects at BYU's Harold B. Lee Library. He is also an Accredited Genealogical Researcher in English research. He has also served as president of the local chapter of the Sons of the Utah Pioneers and teaches family history classes in the BYU Distance Learning program. His talk will discuss what is available and how to use it from the Harold B. Lee Library's Special Collections.
Following the main presentation there will be several classes taught concerning technology and family history. As usual, there will be something for everyone at all levels of expertise. The classes currently scheduled for this meeting are the following:
- Using PAF Insight and Family Insight, by Duane Dudley
- Panel Discussion: Organizing Your Paperwork by BethAnn Wiseman and Renee Zamora
- Genealogical Software for the MAC, by John McKinney
- Q&A: Exciting Family History Discoveries in the BYU Special Collections, by Roger Flick
- Ancestral Quest 12.1, by Gaylon Findlay
- Legacy Review and Handwriting in English Records, by Joel Graham
- Roots Magic 4, by Bruce Buzbee.

1 comment:
Can you let me know more about the Mac software portion of the meeting? I'm looking for more information especially on nFS integration...and hopefully something better than what is currently available.
If only there was a mix of Legacy and RootsMagic out there! Templates using Elizabeth Mills stuff would be ideal!
Look forward to hear how it goes.
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