Monday, March 11, 2013

BYU Students Showcasing New App at RootsTech

The following is from the Chronicle Team.

"Have you ever wondered what you're your ancestors were like? Have you ever wondered what they thought about, laughed about, or worried about when they were your age? Have you ever wondered what they would tell you if they were here today? 
Well we wondered the same thing. Every day millions of people die without their story being told - without their wisdom, personality, or love fully reaching the next generation. Memories fade and along with them the collective knowledge of generation after generation is lost. 
We're here to change that. Chronicle allows you to capture and share your family's history through video. We're building a simple interviewing app, designed to help you record, edit and share fun and fascinating interviews of your loved ones. You can ask them, "tell me about your first date with Dad," or "what was the hardest part about raising kids," or "what would you like your grandkids to know when they get older?" Get to know your loved ones, strengthen relationships and preserve memories forever. Chronicle your life.
How You Can Help:
We are two BYU business students trying to make a real impact on genealogy and the world. We've assembled a great team of advisers to help us out in this process, but we also need every one of you. First and foremost we need to make sure that what we are building is something you would want and would actually use. Signing up and sharing will help us know we're on the right track.
Use this link to sign up and share the word.

You can also help by sending us your comments, feedback, and suggestions at

Thank you so much! We look forward to creating this app for you.

The Chronicle Team,
Travisse Hansen and James Harris
P.S. Come visit us at Rootstech. We'll be booth 226. See you there!"

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